"Drop this behavior onto a Sprite, the Stage or into the Script Channel of the Score to load the designated HTML Page." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"If you drop it onto a graphic member, the 'gotoNetPage' command is sent when the user clicks on the sprite (on mouseUp)." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"If you drop it onto the Stage or the Script Channel of the Score, it will be sent when the playback head leaves the frame (on exitFrame)." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"When called from a Shockwave movie, this behavior replaces the current page displayed in the web browser. " & \
"When called from a projector or in authoring mode, it opens a browser to display the requested page." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"* Destination URL - Enter the complete URL of the destination page. " & \
"Include http://"
end getBehaviorDescription
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return \
"Use with graphic members or as a frame behavior. " & \
"When called from a Shockwave movie, this behavior replaces the current page displayed in the web browser. " & \
"When called from a projector or in authoring mode, it opens a browser to display the requested page. " & \
"Acts on mouseUp or on exitFrame, depending on whether you drag it to a sprite or to the Stage."
end getBehaviorTooltip
-- 12 November 1998, written for the D7 Behaviors Palette by James Newton